前幾天看到國 都有在講,Google可能要自己推出自有品牌的手機及netbook硬體產品,但是其實希望Google能先把自己的軟體強項發揮,用在Android的改善之後,再做這些事情,基本上也算是前一篇講Android分裂問題的後續。


首先,Google把Android與桌上電腦的界線分得太開了一些,ZDNet這裡有一篇文章評論Moto Droid時也有提到,缺乏一個官方版的電腦桌面同步軟體,像iTunes的角色,讓使用者在對於一些數位通訊資訊的傳遞,會出現被手機綁住的感覺。目前像HTC有自己寫Android使用的同步程式,其他家自己還不太了解,可是這樣又出現各家有各家軟體的情況。


不知道Chrome OS的發展,會不會有連帶產出Android電腦端同步程式的可能,因為假如Android出現桌面同步程式,那麼當中Google服務的整合性就相當重要。因為如果真的出現這個程式,將會成為Google Apps與手機之間相當重要的溝通橋樑,也負責著將使用者的Google資料帶到Android設備的要務,別忘了這二者都是自家的產品啊,而在這當中裝置彼此之間互動的人機使用流程設計,是否能夠超越iPhone也是一個很重要的指標。


iTunes之於iPhone的作用,除了像同步資訊、音樂、以及新推出的軟體整理功能之外,也還兼顧著App Store入口及通路的角色,雖然在手機上也可以購買,但是以個人之前用過一段iPod Touch的經驗來說,軟體的搜尋跟購買,還是在電腦上比較方便,盯著小螢幕找軟體,其實並不是一種很舒服的使用者體驗。




以iPhone讓用戶免費升級系統的情況來說,雖然有出現過升級反而不好的情形,但是至少讓程式開發人員在開發時,可以盡量只跟進新版本系統的開發,即使如此,每次有新版系統推出,Apple都還是要針對App Store當中的軟體商們做出升級舉動的勸進手段。


如果以Android這種類似WM,Symbian這種不開放升級的模式來說,同樣一個軟體在App Market裡面,一個軟體開發完究竟要針對支援哪幾個版本才夠?而難道這樣不會造成App Market成長的阻力嗎?


這部份就讓自己回想起,之前在看Nokia S60手機,每次看到新的軟體推出,還要先搞清楚自己有興趣的手機是S60第幾版,能不能裝這個軟體。這種麻煩的感覺,希望在Android這個算是次世代的新手機系統上,不要再繼續延續下去了。


Google should make their own cell phone? Software is also a bunch of things to do blanket .....


A few days ago to see the domestic   Outside are talking about, Google may have to sell their own brand of mobile phones and netbook hardware products, but really want Google to put its own software strengths to play, with the improvement of Android, after, we'll do these things, basically be considered before the Android talk about the division of a follow-up. 


First of all, Google desktop into Android and the boundaries of a number of points so far apart, ZDNet article here reviews Moto Droid, also mentioned the lack of an official version of the PC desktop synchronization software, such as the role of iTunes, so users For some digital communication of information delivery, there will be phone tied feeling. At present, as HTC has its own synchronization program used to write Android, other companies themselves also do not know, but that there appeared Gejia Gejia software.


Do not know if Chrome OS development will not have associated output Android PC Synchronization program possible, because if the Android desktop synchronization program appears, then the integration of services which Google is fairly substantial. Because if it really turns out the program, it will be important to Google Apps and cell phone communication between the bridge is also responsible for the information on the user's Google services into the Android devices to be, do not forget that both are their own products ah, in which the interaction between these devices human-computer use of process design, whether we can go beyond iPhone is also a very important indicator.


The role of iTunes in the iPhone, in addition to information such as synchronization, music, as well as finishing the new software features, but also take into account the App Store is also the entrance and the channel's role, although the phone can also be purchased, but used the individual before a iPod Touch experience, the software searches with the purchase of, or on the computer more convenient, staring at the small screen to find software that is actually not a very comfortable user experience.


The iTunes on the phone personally feel that the most important experience improvement is the way to brush firmware using iTunes to upgrade the new version of the system processes, fairly convenient.In addition to the current development version Android mobile phone outside and did not open to individual users to upgrade their own, unless the communication line of brush Naqu firmware.


IPhone users a free upgrade to the system's case, although there appeared to upgrade the contrary, a bad situation, but at least let the program developers in the development, you can try to just follow up the new version of the system development, even so, every time new system was launched, Apple for the App Store still must be among the software makers have made moves to upgrade the urging means.


If Android same kind of WM, Symbian is not open to upgrade that model, the same one inside the software in the App Market, a software developer for support to be finished exactly which several versions is enough? Is this the App Market growth without causing the resistance to do?


This part of the let himself recalled, before looking at Nokia S60 mobile phone, every time a new software release, but also to find out the interest they have S60 mobile phone is the first of several versions, can not install this software. This troublesome feeling of hope that this be considered the next generation of the new Android mobile phone system, will not continue to extend longer. 




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