雖然之前有介紹過可以把手繪過程製作成動畫的 DrawSWF,可是如果想要製作一個Flash動畫的話,DrawSWF的功能就不太夠了,而Pencil則是一個可以製作Flash動畫的自由軟體,二進位編譯檔支援Mac/Win平台,Linux平台則須自行以原始碼編譯才能使用(使用QT)。

Pencil可以有三種圖層,分別是置放向量圖的LayerVector、點陣圖Layerbitmap、和聲音檔的Soundlayer,不過目前還搞不太懂聲音軌圖層的使用方式,使用的方法只要把要畫的影格,在Keys的視窗下按下+號,之後繪圖即可儲存為SWF檔,使用相當簡單,不過 Pencil只能夠單純製作Flash動畫的部份,至於互動等其他功能,就還是要依靠正式的Adobe Flash才能製作囉。

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While there are introduced before the process can be made into hand-drawn animation DrawSWF, but if you want to create a Flash animation, then, DrawSWF its function is not enough, while the Pencil is a Flash animation you can create a free software, binary compilation file to support Mac / Win platform, Linux platform, in order to be on their own can be used to compile source code (using QT). 

Pencil There are three layers, namely, placement vector map LayerVector, bitmap Layerbitmap, and sound files Soundlayer, but at the moment still do not understand the audio track layers engage in the use of methods, the methods used so long as to be drawn frame, In the Keys the next window by pressing the + sign, followed by the drawing can be saved as a SWF file, using fairly simple, but the Pencil can only produce a simple Flash animation part, as an interactive and other features, you still have to rely on the official Adobe Flash in order to make La. 




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