iPhone:SproutCore 與 Flash 的戰場?
下一代 JavaScript 开发方向?
Flash杀手:SproutCore开源Javascript Web应用
Cappuccino and Objective-J
How do I get SproutCore?
The SproutCore developer tools are easy to install using RubyGems. Once you are ready to deploy your application on the Internet, all you will need is a web server and no other special software since SproutCore applications are static HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.
SproutCore is Server-agnostic
SproutCore applications are deployed as a directory of files: no dynamic server-side code is required. You can deliver a SproutCore application to the browser from any web server or web host without special configuration.
Leopard之後的OSX本身就內建Ruby on Rails環境,SproutCore做出來的東西,又會透過Ruby轉換變成只需客戶端即可運行的網頁,拖了大家看了這些資訊之後,揭開我所關心的部份是,這個東西不知道何時會整合進iWeb,有在用iWeb又屬於不是那麼懂CSS的人,大概就可以體會到iWeb實現的功能有多方便,如果還能增加互動功能的話,那就再好也不過了,而且又只需要基本的Web Server需求,就可以完整呈現整個作品,其實又更加便利。