朋友的Mac Mini在使用10.8.2時遇到如標題所提的問題,找到的方案如下
目前分類:一般操作 (42)
- Oct 15 Mon 2012 16:01
- Feb 02 Tue 2010 16:41
之前都會把VersionTracker看到一些有趣的軟體抓下來一個個測試之後寫成文章,後來比較忙一點就比較沒辦法,可是多少還是會收到自己的Google Bookmark裡面,本來想說有空慢慢寫沒想到越積越多,先暫時把這一個月看到的軟體貼出來好了,不然可能放久了有些軟體更新的也又得再修正連結。
- Aug 29 Sat 2009 12:33
- Mar 05 Thu 2009 00:01
趨勢科技誠邀Mac User們參加 [Smart Surfing v.1.0 英文版] Apple Macintosh 平台防毒防駭技術 BETA 現場測試 搭載”主動式雲端截毒技術”、”雙平台病毒掃描”技術 讓您的Mac電腦能快速自動回應,享有零時差防毒防駭的防護,並免於成為電腦病毒傳播的媒介
現場不但有喝、有最新軟體讓您試玩,當天還可以馬上賺入NT 1,500車馬費! 趨勢科技 Smart Surfing v.1.0 英文 BETA 版測試活動:
報名時間: 2009/3/2~2009/3/11 活動時間: 2009/3/14 PM2:00 ~ PM6:00
參加步驟: 請先確定您的 Mac OS 為以下要求: 1. CPU: Intel or G4 or G5 2. OS: 10.4.11 and later ; 10.5.5 and later 上網報名
完成報名審核者,請於收到通知後,帶著您心愛的Mac電腦,於3/14日下午2時至台北市敦化南路二段198號9樓 參加測試並填寫問卷 *本活動所有測試軟體及問卷均以英文顯示 *測試當日請備妥身分證件以領取NT$1,500車馬費
- Dec 04 Thu 2008 00:15
拜這二天出現的一則新聞,大致上是說Apple官方網頁上出現推薦使用防毒軟體,加上以前PC VS Mac廣告當中多次嘲諷到安全上面的相關問題,所以這個新聞出現之後,幾個以前推薦使用Mac的朋友都跑來問該不該裝防毒軟體,其實Mac上現在大概比較有可能上網中木馬,可是數量跟PC比也少很多,要遇到還不容易,但是對一般使用者來說,其實不管是木馬或病毒,只要是會影響到電腦效能或使用的狀況,大多都直覺會只說是中毒,大概也比較少會特意去區分或想去了解說,到底是中木馬、還是真的中了破壞性、感染性強大的病毒,如果有認真想去了解二者差別的請點這。
以OS X的UNIX特性,在權限控管下,要有真的有未取得權限的情況下,就能毀損到系統核心的病毒,那應該已經是很嚴重的狀況了,但是這種機率其實還是很低的,如果還是很擔心的朋友,可以使用ClamXav,和之前介紹過的iAntiVirus,而之前ClamXav並不具有即時防毒的功能,不過在ClamAV被Sourcefire買下後,功能也有增強,而Mac上使用的ClamXav也在1.1版之後(去年六月左右推出),透過在偏好設定當中開啟ClamXav Sentry的功能,就可以擁有即時防護的功能。
Old Man mention: OSX on the anti-virus
Thanks to the emergence of a two-day news in general is that Apple appears on the official website recommends using antivirus software, coupled with previous PC VS Mac ad mocking them several times to secure the above-related issues, so this news came to light several previously recommended the the use of Mac's friends came to ask if the installed anti-virus software should not, in fact, Mac, is now probably more likely to access the Trojans, but the number with the PC is also much less than that, we must face is not easy, but for the general user In fact, whether Trojan horses or viruses, as long as the computer will affect the performance or use of the situation, most of them have intuitively will only say that poisoning, probably would go out less, or want to understand the distinction that in the end is the Trojan horse, or true middle of the destructive power of infectious virus, if there are serious differences between the two want to know please point it.
With OS X, UNIX features, as the powers under control, there must be really have not obtained the permission of the circumstances, will be able to damage the core of the virus into the system, it should have is a very serious situation, but in fact this probability is still very low, if still very worried about a friend, you can use ClamXav, and introduced prior to theiAntiVirus, but before the ClamXav does not have an immediate anti-virus functions, but in Sourcefire acquired ClamAV, after being functions have increased, while the Mac, ClamXav is also used after version 1.1 (released last year, around June), through which open the Preferences ClamXav Sentryfeature, you can have real-time protection features.
However, from my own experience, use, and put on the number of real-time protection software systems will have the feeling of slow, but perhaps accompanied by some uncertainty, so in fact often felt that, in the above may be poisoning OSX, prior to engage in anti-virus software has been linked to risk of the system is still relatively higher.
- Nov 25 Tue 2008 13:37
- Sep 21 Sun 2008 22:12
- Jun 28 Sat 2008 08:57

(點圖可前往下載Deep Sleep)
- Apr 07 Mon 2008 18:21
Mac OS X中,停用USB外接儲存設備的方法
- Feb 13 Wed 2008 11:44

因為自己蠻依賴Google Toolbar,所以在Mac上還是以使用Firefox居多,不過Firefox的預設下載位置是在桌面,而Safari在10.5後,預設檔案下載的位置是在【下載項目】,為了不要常常去整理桌面,所以自己就把Firefox下載位置也變更到【下載項目】當中,並且搭配Stack把【下載項目】檔案夾放在Dock上使用,將近三個月到現在,桌面增加的檔案幾乎可以說是零,如果同樣也是Firefox的用戶,可以考慮試看看這麼做,也因為這樣做之後,才發現原來桌面最常放的東西,幾乎都是下載的檔案。
其實早在10.0的時候,Mac OS就有想要延續NeXT的做法,廢除桌面置放檔案以Path Finder取代的跡象,不過當時似乎是遭到反對之後,才仍然讓桌面可置放檔案繼續下去,現在到了10.5,透過將下載項目導向固定檔案夾的方式,似乎有要逐步清空桌面的感覺。
let Firefox and Safari have the same download filefoler

Because he quite dependent on Google Toolbar, so on a Mac, or to use Firefox mostly, but Firefox's default download location is on the desktop, while the Safari in 10.5, the default file download location is in the 【Download】, in order not to often to put the desktop, so put the Firefox download location has its own changes to 【Download】 them, and with Stack to 【Download】 folder on the Dock to use, and nearly three months now, the desktop can almost be said to increase the file is zero, if the same is also a Firefox user, consider look at doing so, but also because doing so, it found that the most common desktop put things, almost all of the downloaded file.
In fact, as early as 10.0, when, Mac OS, there you want to continue the practice of NeXT, repeal Path Finder desktop placement of files to replace the signs, but the opposition seems to be at that time only after the desktop can be placed so that the file is still to continue, It is now 10.5, will be available through the project-oriented way of a fixed folder, there seems to gradually empty the desktop feel.
- Jan 24 Thu 2008 10:57
這個是Switch to Mac一書當中,旗標釋出的試讀章節之一,既然網路上可以看到,那我也就把它轉貼過來(因為也是小弟寫的),希望有需要的人可以參考看看,不過以下的操作是在Leopard底下,10.4以前的步驟就有點不太一樣了。
轉換到 Mac 後, 如果 PC 還留著, 先前的印表機還是可以接在 PC 上, 透過 Windows 的資源共享功能, 可以讓 Mac 也能使用印表機。不過在共用之前,同樣要確認 Mac 是否有支援。
在 Windows 上開啟印表機共用
- Nov 22 Thu 2007 13:52
沒裝Toast,也能開啟Nero NRG映像檔的nrg2iso
如果沒有裝Toast,只用目前一般免費的燒錄軟體,大概遇到最頭痛的就是Nero的映像檔.nrg格式,nrg2iso是一個從Linux上移植過來的命令列程式,作者做了一個圖形介面,可以在10.4以上的環境將Nero製作的.nrg映像檔,轉成一般的iso檔,搭配Burn這套燒錄軟體來使用,可以讓燒錄功能更加完備,不過versiontracker上介紹只支援Intel Mac,不知道原因為何,要待PowerPC平台使用者幫忙測試才能知道,不過因為是GPL軟體,有原始碼,也許之後會再增加PowerPC平台的支援也不一定。
- Nov 02 Fri 2007 13:31
Mercury 1.9版發佈,支援離線訊息(中文正常)
- Oct 30 Tue 2007 12:11
透過VNC使用10.5 螢幕共享會遇到的問題
- Oct 30 Tue 2007 03:11
從老虎升到美洲豹,Finder少一顆眼睛(Quick Look)別緊張
- Aug 06 Mon 2007 11:29
- Mar 15 Thu 2007 21:35

之前在老地方冰果室看到MacFUSE的介紹,不過那時以為這是個需要輸入許多Unix like指令集才能使用的工具,昨天在Mobile01看到網友分享的心得,原來現在已經有方便的套件可以使用,安裝好之後就能夠讀取NTFS的磁區了,包括我之前本來為了遷就早期Parallels beta版本必須要NTFS才能讀取Bootcamp磁區,所轉換的硬碟分割空間,也能夠讀取了。
- Mar 12 Mon 2007 09:21
修正美國日光節約時間的DST Fix
- Feb 14 Wed 2007 00:36
KDE on Mac OS X 可以用了、但是還有待發展完全

最早是在Hemi的就是愛Mac共享書籤群組看到KDE on Mac OS X的,本來以為要在Mac上安裝使用Linux上這個KDE桌面軟體環境會很困難,後來再連上該網頁仔細一看,好像安裝已經比較容易了,如果想了解KDE/Mac多一點的話,可以參考Linuxtoy翻譯自KDE網站上的文章,而以下就是簡單的安裝步驟介紹:
- Jan 18 Thu 2007 09:06

因為Finder不會顯示路徑,有的時候要找路徑就會很麻煩,之前都是用Absolute PF這套軟體,不過Absolute目前還未UB化,並且在使用之前要用滑鼠右鍵選單到→顯示套件→Resource底下增加一個zh_tw.lproj的空檔案夾,才不會出現中文路徑亂碼的問題。