雖然在台灣的風帆運動好像沒有像衝浪那麼盛行,不過如果有風帆迷想要自己設計自己的風帆的話,可以考慮使用Sailcut CAD看看,而且是開源碼跨平台的軟體,相當方便,下面就是一部份的畫面擷取。

開啟時Sailcut CAD預設的風帆模組,可以在上下及左右的地方可以3D方式來檢視這個風帆



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While sailing in Taiwan does not seem like the surf so popular, but if there are sailing enthusiasts want to build their own sails, then we can considerthe use of Sailcut CAD to see, but also is an open source cross-platform software, very convenient, the following is a part of the screen capture.
Is turned on by default sail Sailcut CAD module, you can place can up and down and around to view the 3D approach to sailing
If you want to customize their own sail specifications, as long as the View option under the Dimensions
After you will see an input screen, inside there is a fairly detailed specification of the sail for user-defined input
There is also the output of the function, you can customize your own good, after sailing into the DXF output to the relevant 3D or CAD software to continue to editors Taking advantage of the recent weather is cold, at home and to plan for this summer to sail into the water.