

說真的,即使iTunes 在北美音樂市場已經佔有到25%,卻還是逐漸在考慮:「要怎麼讓數位專輯在販售上,依舊保有質感」時,傳統唱片業在抵制音樂傳播數位化上的思維,或許該檢討更多。

iTunes LP,這個跟隨著iTunes 9出現的多媒體數位專輯,其實在技術上並沒有太特別的地方,就是將實體唱片的CD extra(附加影音檔的唱片格式)套上一個介面、或是其實就是演唱會DVD專輯的iTunes數位版而已。


但是在這當中,唱片業應該思考的地方在於,當現在影音媒體型式的多樣化,已經到了一個相當普及的程度時,除了少數經典專輯精裝版有精美的包裝及贈品之外,其他普通專輯產品,在內容只有包含紙張封面及簡介、以及光碟片裡的聲音檔時,要怎樣讓消費者更想將產品買回家?我想iTunes LP是個不錯的示範。

由於iTunes LP的內容,目前被判斷應該是以Apple Safari瀏覽器的核心-Webkit在做處理,所以裡面的內容也許是架構在HTML 的網頁基礎當中,而Apple Support的網頁上也有人在詢問要怎麼製作自己的iTunes LP專輯。


雖然目前還不知道Apple是否會開放讓人自行製作,不過如果iTunes LP是以HTML(or XML)基礎打包的方式,也至少還可能用同樣以瀏覽器基礎(Mozilla)的Songbird播放器,來實現iTunes專輯的播放,也許就不必擔心數位專輯格式被iTunes獨斷。

當然或許最基本的方式,是可以試驗性地發行DVD格式的數位影音專輯,透過DVD選單的製作及美化,讓專輯當中包含音樂、影片、相片、歌詞(用字幕實現?)、歌手簡介等等,可以在消費者對於DVD操作並不陌生,以及DVD播放器其實在每個家庭當中都相當普及的情況下(就算沒DVD Player也可以用電腦播放),讓實體專輯可以在內容販售上多一個試驗看看的一個可能性。




雖然iTunes LP是否對於iTunes Music Store當中,是否能夠幫助增加以專輯為單位的銷售量,但是個人還是認為這樣的包裝方式,其實對於歌曲專輯未來的發佈是一個可以考慮的方向,至少對於還是會購買實體專輯的消費者們來說,或許會多了一個吸引消費的因素和可能。




以下是用google 翻譯的英文翻譯內容,看會不會增加一些英文讀者(但是自己又懶得翻譯,而且google翻譯的內容,好像比我自己的英文還好了....)


iTunes LP, if successful, the entity of the album is bound to have evolved


Really, even if the iTunes music market in North America has beenoccupied to 25%, but still gradually to consider: "To make a digital album on how to sell on, still retain texture", the traditional record industry in the spread of resistance to digital music on the thinking, perhaps the review for more.

iTunes LP, this now appears as the iTunes 9 of multimedia digital album, in fact, technically, and not too special place, that is, the entity recording the CD extra (additional audio and video files record format) put on an interface, or a matter of fact DVD is a concert album, a digital version of iTunes only.


But in among the local music industry should be thinking is that, now that audio-visual media, types of diversity, has reached a considerable degree of popularity, apart from a few classic albums are beautifully packaged hardcover and gifts, the other ordinary album products, the content only with the paper cover and profiles, as well as the CD-ROM contains the sound files, you should give consumers more like what products to buy home? I think iTunes LP is a good demonstration.

As the contents of the iTunes LP is currently being judged should be in Apple Safari browser, the core-Webkit is doing, so I might be inside the contents of the HTML page-based architecture which, while the Apple Support pages, also some people, asking them how create your own iTunes LP album.


While Apple is not known whether it will open up people to create their own, but if iTunes LP based on HTML (or XML)-based packaged in a way which also can be used for at least the same browser-based (Mozilla) of the Songbird player to achieve iTunes album playing, and perhaps do not have to worry about iTunes digital album format is arbitrary.

Of course, perhaps the most basic way, it can issue a pilot basis, the digital audio and video format, DVD album, through the DVD menu production and landscaping, so that the album contains music, video, photos, lyrics (with subtitles to achieve?), Singer profile, etc. and so on, can no stranger to consumer DVD operations, as well as DVD players, in fact, each family are quite popular among the cases (even if no DVD Player can also use a computer to play), so that physical albums can be content to sell on the one more test to see if a possibility.


And compared to CD, convert mp3 are familiar with the operation of people, DVD convert music files format, the steps are relatively few people know that (although not hard to find it wants to), but this way has also increased the singer album design rendering image integrity.


While the iTunes LP is for the iTunes Music Store, whether to help the unit increase in album sales, but the individuals or that such packaging means, in fact, the future for the music release of an album can be considered direction, at least for still buying entity album consumers who may be more a factor in attracting consumers and possible.


In fact, the above is a concise written in the vernacular, CD which if not for the packaging with album art and other design elements, the CD goes on inside is just above the surface of the print with the audio file only, allowing consumers to buy such a product, is bound to should be in content, and more value on the album image (video, photos, lyrics album introduced the text and figures, etc.).

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