看到Google要在Android 2.0的手機當中推出導航功能,第一個想到的就是Google的虛擬地理世界的廣告平台大概會越來越健全。以往使用Google Maps時,Google的方面頂多只能獲得關於;用戶大概對哪些地方、哪些店家有興趣的資訊。而透過導航功能傳回到伺服器端的統計,他們現在可以知道更進一步的資訊,那就是用戶們實際上真的到了哪些地方。
在這當中先不討論隱私問題,因為使用Google Maps相關功能(earth,streetview等等),不像Gmail或Google Docs等需要登入到Google帳號中。只能說使用者們在使用這項功能的同時,也算是同時在幫Google採樣,讓他們可以把桌上端的Google Maps資訊、和實際到達的用戶資料能夠做一個映對比照的機會。
比如在對照資料之後,Google Maps的路徑規劃功能,就可以區分出比較擁擠的路段和比較少人的路段,也可以知道哪些地區有比較旺盛的區域活動,當然在這當中的結果,最終還是要回饋到Google的獲利來源-廣告上頭。
其實在美國的iPhone用戶就已經發現到,他們在使用Google Maps的時候,會出現一些贊助商的連結,所以在這當中很自然地就可以了解到,Google的確是要在免費提供地理資訊的同時,一直在積極將其轉變為一個虛擬地理資訊的廣告平台,並且從中獲利。
而這樣的廣告如果帶入到Google Street View當中,也許將來在Google Street View當中虛擬逛街,就可以知道許多商家的特價優惠資訊。除此之外,個人覺得Google遲早也會製作出目前第三方軟體提供的擴增實境功能。
因為Google Street View本身就是許多照片形成的連接圖,加上Google Labs推出的以圖找圖Similar Images搜尋功能,很自然地就可以將Google Maps、Google Street View、以及也許再加入Google Earth的資訊,形成一個完整的導航及擴增實境整合功能,比如Android用戶只要把鏡頭對準當前位置,就可以自動搜尋出相關的地理資訊。當然最終這整個完全整合後的虛擬地理資訊平台,也就會變成讓Google用來吸引廣告主的基礎了。
How long needed for Google virtual world's platform's integration of geographic information ?
To see Google to launch Android 2.0 phone navigation among the first thought is that Google's advertising platform, the virtual geography of the world would probably becomes more complete. When using Google Maps in the past, Google's in most they can obtain information on; the user is probably right where and what stores are interested in information. And through navigation back to the server-side statistics, they can now know the further information that users actually really into where.
Which would not be discussed in this privacy issue, since the use of Google Maps-related functions (earth, streetview, etc.), like Gmail or Google Docs, etc. need to log in to Google Account. Can only say that users are using this feature also be regarded as the same time helping Google sampling, so that they can put on the table side of the Google Maps information, and the actual users of the information can be done to reach a mapping of the cf opportunities.
For example, in contrast, after the information, Google Maps for route planning features, we can distinguish the relatively less crowded roads and sections of people, they can know which areas have relatively strong regional activities, of course, these were the result will still be back to the source of Google's profits - ads on top.
In fact, the U.S. iPhone users have discovered that they use Google Maps, when there would be the sponsor links, so that these very naturally we can see that, Google really is to provide free geographic information at the same time , has been actively transforming it into a virtual geographic information of the advertising platform, and make a profit.
And this ad, if brought to the Google Street View which, perhaps in the future Google Street View Among the virtual shopping, you can know that many merchants offer special information. In addition, personally think that Google will sooner or later to produce third-party software is currently available Augmented Reality functionality.
Because Google Street View in itself is formed by a number of photographs connection diagram, coupled with Google Labs launched in an attempt to find diagram Similar Images search function, it is natural to be able to Google Maps, Google Street View, as well as Google Earth may then add information, to form a complete navigation and Augmented Reality integration, such as Android users as long as the cameras are focused on the current location, it can automatically search for the relevant geological information. Of course, eventually the entire fully integrated platform for the virtual geographic information, it will become for Google to attract advertisers foundation.