JACK的全名是JACK Audio Connection Kit,本身是一個低延遲性的音效伺服器,它能夠讓多個應用軟體同時分享使用音效卡的硬體資源,並且讓各軟體之間可以互通分享音訊,JACK在OSX的版本中,與CoreAudio相容,並且已經是UB版的軟體
像其他專業的音效製作軟體一樣,Ardour可以處理錄音、音效剪輯、音訊格式轉換、以及透過mac與影音器材做連接,X86 Linux版本可以相容使用VST Plugin的音效外掛,可惜在PPC Linux上及OSX版本尚未支援。
在 http://quicktoots.linuxaudio.org/toots/ardour-osx/ 的文章中
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OSX on the professional-grade open-source digital audio processing software
Today, visiting the sites of some free software, when inadvertently see some audio processing software related to the sound found in open-source software is already able to able to meet the needs of professional recording studio will be introducing the standards of the following two sets of software, Jack and Ardour 1.JACK
JACK's full name is the JACK Audio Connection Kit, nature itself is a low-latency audio server, which allows multiple applications share the use of sound card hardware resources, and to allow sharing of audio software that can interoperate between , JACK in the OSX version, and CoreAudio compatible and has a UB version of the software in the download and install starts, you can also connect to itunes and garageband, and then will be one of the misappropriation or audio post-production.
JACKOSX's official website: http://www.jackosx.com/
Ardour itself is a digital audio workstation software, need JACK to do with the use of, OSX version of the UB version, the need to use the X11 environment.
Like other professional audio production software, like, Ardour can handle recording, audio editing, audio format conversion, as well as through the mac and audio-visual equipment so connected, X86 Linux version can be compatible with the use of audio plug-ins VST Plugin Unfortunately, in the PPC Linux and OSX versions is not yet supported on.
Ardour's official website: http://ardour.org/
The http://quicktoots.linuxaudio.org/toots/ardour-osx/ article describes OSX theme is using JACK, Ardour, and with drum machine software, Hydrogen(also requires X11) are interested in the alternate can go to read it.