雖然自己不太熟悉音樂領域,不過據有在使用相關軟體的朋友表示,介面還蠻容易上手的,沒有外接鍵盤也直接就可以在上面譜上音符,只是在中文mac os環境中,預設會出現的是簡體中文,也許會嘗試把它翻譯成繁體的,不過目前還在跟軟體作者聯繫當中。
有另外一套Aria Maestosa可以作修改,網站上只有提到PPC的版本,
另一項軟體SEÑOR STAFF的midi功能比較尚未健全,這是一個可以直接在樂譜上放置音符並且奏出結果的開源碼軟體,不過因為目前還在發展當中,所以尚未支援將樂譜列印以及輸出/入midi的相關功能,針對midi裝置有playback的功能,不過因為沒有辦法測試跟midi裝置的連接,所以不知道可不可以直接從midi鍵盤輸入訊號直接轉換成樂譜音符,目前猜想大概答案是不行,希望有人測試過可以回報一下狀況,感謝。
SEÑOR STAFF網站上公佈說可能到1.0版的檔案讀取不一定會完全相容於目前版本,所以在使用的話可能要注意一下這方面的風險。
Technorati Tags:Mac Apple software OSX technology Tech OS X Media audio midi

Although Garageband is easier when you do mix, but if it is only to be a simple midi production, Garageband's user interface becomes a bit too much,MidiSwing is a similar Grasshopper's java free software, midi keyboard, or through the software keyboard input , to achieve the effect of making midi music.
Although he was not familiar with the field of music, but there is the use of related software, according to a friend, said quite a easy to use interface, no external keyboard directly above the spectrum in the notes, but in the Chinese mac os environment, the default appears that the Simplified Chinese, probably will try to translate it into Traditional, but are also being linked with the software authors were.
If you want to edit midi files, then there is another set of Aria Maestosa can make changes, the website only mentioned the PPC version, but the download version of Office, there saw the emergence of intel to confirm that I can implement, but do not know can not Edit smoothly.
Another software SEÑOR STAFF of the midi feature comparison is not fully developed, this is a can be placed directly on the music notes and play the results of open-source software, but because there is still evolving, it will not support the print sheet music as well as the output I / midi related functions, for the midi device has playback features, but because there is no way to test the connection with the midi device, so I do not know if the input signal directly from a midi keyboard, music notes directly into the current guess is probably the answer is no, want someone to test that I can look at the situation of return, thanks.
SEÑOR STAFF published on the website said it might be read to the 1.0 version of the file will not necessarily be completely compatible with the current version, so the use of the words may have to take note of this risk. Also on the introduction of MIDI can be found here Technorati Tags: Mac Apple Software OSX technology Tech OS X Media audioMIDI