
拜這二天出現的一則新聞,大致上是說Apple官方網頁上出現推薦使用防毒軟體,加上以前PC VS Mac廣告當中多次嘲諷到安全上面的相關問題,所以這個新聞出現之後,幾個以前推薦使用Mac的朋友都跑來問該不該裝防毒軟體,其實Mac上現在大概比較有可能上網中木馬,可是數量跟PC比也少很多,要遇到還不容易,但是對一般使用者來說,其實不管是木馬或病毒,只要是會影響到電腦效能或使用的狀況,大多都直覺會只說是中毒,大概也比較少會特意去區分或想去了解說,到底是中木馬、還是真的中了破壞性、感染性強大的病毒,如果有認真想去了解二者差別的請點這

以OS X的UNIX特性,在權限控管下,要有真的有未取得權限的情況下,就能毀損到系統核心的病毒,那應該已經是很嚴重的狀況了,但是這種機率其實還是很低的,如果還是很擔心的朋友,可以使用ClamXav,和之前介紹過的iAntiVirus,而之前ClamXav並不具有即時防毒的功能,不過在ClamAV被Sourcefire買下後,功能也有增強,而Mac上使用的ClamXav也在1.1版之後(去年六月左右推出),透過在偏好設定當中開啟ClamXav Sentry的功能,就可以擁有即時防護的功能。


Old Man mention: OSX on the anti-virus

Thanks to the emergence of a two-day news in general is that Apple appears on the official website recommends using antivirus software, coupled with previous PC VS Mac ad mocking them several times to secure the above-related issues, so this news came to light several previously recommended the the use of Mac's friends came to ask if the installed anti-virus software should not, in fact, Mac, is now probably more likely to access the Trojans, but the number with the PC is also much less than that, we must face is not easy, but for the general user In fact, whether Trojan horses or viruses, as long as the computer will affect the performance or use of the situation, most of them have intuitively will only say that poisoning, probably would go out less, or want to understand the distinction that in the end is the Trojan horse, or true middle of the destructive power of infectious virus, if there are serious differences between the two want to know please point it.

With OS X, UNIX features, as the powers under control, there must be really have not obtained the permission of the circumstances, will be able to damage the core of the virus into the system, it should have is a very serious situation, but in fact this probability is still very low, if still very worried about a friend, you can use ClamXav, and introduced prior to theiAntiVirus, but before the ClamXav does not have an immediate anti-virus functions, but in Sourcefire acquired ClamAV, after being functions have increased, while the Mac, ClamXav is also used after version 1.1 (released last year, around June), through which open the Preferences ClamXav Sentryfeature, you can have real-time protection features.

However, from my own experience, use, and put on the number of real-time protection software systems will have the feeling of slow, but perhaps accompanied by some uncertainty, so in fact often felt that, in the above may be poisoning OSX, prior to engage in anti-virus software has been linked to risk of the system is still relatively higher. 

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