先前提過關於Apple iTunes LP數位專輯的格式和介紹,而現在Apple在網站上把這二個格式開放了,iTunes LP和iTunes Extras(可以在iTunes與AppleTV使用的類DVD選單格式),二者的開發範例和說明文件都可以下載得到。
現在只要連結到 http://www.apple.com/itunes/lp-and-extras/ 就可以看到相關的開發資訊。
iTunes LP和Extras,都是以HTML+CSS架構加上圖片位置的挪移,來針對畫面做配置,而一些專輯的metadata標籤資訊,會以XML格式儲存。
而音樂及其他相關檔案的各種播放及控制,會結合各類型控制動作的javascript當中,通稱為TuneKit Controller。
網站上關於iTunes數位專輯的範例跟說明文件都已經相當詳細,可是基於個人的懶惰,其實我自己比較期待TuneKit的相關功能,將來可以整合到iWeb,iMovie(or iDVD)或是Keynote的Html匯出當中。
Apple Open iTunes LP and Extra format for Developers
The abovementioned on the Apple iTunes LP digital album format, and the introduction, and now Apple these two formats on the site opened, iTunes LP and iTunes Extras (you can use iTunes and the AppleTV class DVD menu format), both of development of examples and documentation can be downloaded to be.
Now as long as the link to http://www.apple.com/itunes/lp-and-extras/ be able to see the development of the relevant information.
iTunes LP and Extras, are based on HTML + CSS structure with image location of the diversion to do so for the screen configuration, and some album metadata tag information will be XML-format.
And the music and other related files, a variety of playback and control, will be combined with various types of control action of javascript which, commonly known as TuneKit Controller.
Web site on the iTunes digital album sample with the documentation have been in considerable detail, but based on the individual's lazy, in fact I look forward to TuneKit she was more related to features in the future can be integrated into iWeb, iMovie (or iDVD) or the Html export Keynote them.