從去年Computex 之後,就開始陸續出現一堆Android平板電腦,然而從Android手機廠商不斷被告,並且開始有消息傳出有廠商和HP接觸WebOS相關授權事宜後,就開始出現一個氛圍是;如果 Google 不正面面對它將會遇到的智財權處理問題,他提出的軟體整合方案就算再吸引人也沒人敢用,或者是用了之後也不再有成本優勢。

「Google 或許可以考慮將針對手機市場的獲利,拿出一點給加入 OHA 的硬體廠商們以及電信商們作為合作的優惠,使其取消過度客製化的意願,尤其是在買下 Admob 之後的現在,這點更是重要。除了可以說服硬體商們,讓採用Android的廠商把各自的專利吐出來,形成專利池的防護網。另外也可以透過電信商的分成來取消應用商店分裂的情況,這樣或許可以解決很多手機部分的問題。

個人覺得如果 Moto 真的順利將公司切割開,把網通跟行動家用裝置分開成二家公司的話,可能 Google 真的可以好好考慮將 Moto 買了,或是至少跟他們買專利授權,因為至少 Moto 在手機和機上盒方面的發展歷史還算豐富,在面對專利官司的時候,累積的專利至少可以比一家搜尋起家的網路公司來得擋得住許多。」










在專利互惠上,雖然Linux基金會在專利的地位也許不比微軟這些大公司。但是在桌面系統和伺服器方面的部分,如果能夠因為和Linux基金會修補關係,甚至之後再加入IBM相關公司針對Linux專利共組的Open Invention Network組織,其實對於自身和開源碼相關組織來說,也是更加互利。




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After Last year Computex .It began to appear a bunch of Android Pad, but keep the defendant from the Android handset makers, and news began to have contact with manufacturers and HP authorized WebOS related issues, the atmosphere is the emergence of a start; if Google does not to face it will deal with problems encountered by intellectual property, software integration solutions he proposed another interesting one would dare even use or use after no longer have the cost advantage.

In the last year in which to write their own blog article , "Google's part to continue to look for patent issues" is mentioned:
"Google might be consider for the mobile phone market, profit, spend a little to join the OHA hardware manufacturers and carriers to offer their cooperation as to cancel the excessive customization will, especially after the buy Admob now, this is an important addition to persuade hardware makers to allow manufacturers to use Android threw their patents to form a patent pool fence addition can also cancel the carrier's application store is divided into divisions situation, this may solve the problem of many parts of the phone.

Moto is really personal opinion, if the company successfully cut open, the CNC device with the mobile home into two separate companies, it may consider Google really good Moto bought, or at least buy a patent license with them, because at least in the Moto mobile phones and set-top boxes in a fairly rich history in the face of the patent lawsuit, when accumulated over a patent search can be started at the network's many more to resist. "

Yesterday, after Google bought Moto, although many commentators have seen that firms will cause disturbance for the Android camp. But personal feeling is, if Google wants to protect the back and continue to raise their Android only lays golden eggs, then, that the Moto has a good tool, the follow-up action should also be more.

First, after the patent has Moto, Google wants Samsung, HTC, SonyEricsson, LG on patent pools to share the chips even more. Google hands over the patent are not enough when the cell phone hardware manufacturers will not necessarily be interested in sharing out their own patents. The reason is because Android handset makers also are competing among themselves, it is certain that a defendant, and other home although his fear of the next turn, but how much a bit keen on pleasing the mind.

And now Google is willing to take the initiative as long as the release of Moto's patent, with the exchange of methods and various patents Android hardware providers do reciprocal agreement, Android's OHA alliance patent pool will progress to build up quite fast enough. Moto's been the defendant's patent on the current Samsung and HTC, can be considered a life-saving driftwood, so this opportunity to talk about the establishment of patent pools is probably better.

If the OHA alliance successfully established a patent pool, in fact, worry it will the next Microsoft and Apple has. In particular, Apple should be the most dangerous, because Samsung, LG mobile phone panel and related foundry technology, Samsung's memory and CPU OEM, Moto mobile phones and set-top box patents (do not forget GOOGLR / APPLETV), if all these parts assembled together. Its large extent will be won to buy Nortel previous Apple patent.

As for other Android manufacturers are worried about the current imbalance, although Google is said to Moto remain independent operations. But instead of personal feeling is that if you want to maintain the ecological balance. Moto will be sooner or later will become a model company, and its design will not necessarily be the actual product launch, but Android has been available to the various manufacturers as a reference.

Moto usage after being bought, possibly after the Moto will only put out on behalf of the Nexus MileStone machine, a one-year machine. Google can use the Moto and the original relationship between the carriers into the telecom access to Nexus. Other designs such as Defy, Atrix, Droid, etc., may become a reference for other manufacturers design specifications, and uniform design standards, may also be able to alleviate some of the software developer for mobile phones with different specifications and must be complicated to pick the whole burden.

The use of Moto original design manufacturing experience to accelerate the speed of hardware and software integration, and quickly release the results of experience related to other manufacturers. To avoid the release of each new version of the system, the various manufacturers must adjust the half. Another advantage is that, Moto mobile phone system update, but also because the Nexus will be inherited characteristics, can be quickly updated.

Other manufacturers to be able to give pressure to keep up with the progress update, to avoid the mobile version of the scattered problems. But of course these are necessary after Google's Android phone to Moto in position on the market gradually exit Caixing. In fact, some analysts point out that, Moto brand itself sooner or later will be sold, in fact, this matter does not in itself a small chance it wants.

As for the establishment of patent pools, individuals will want Google to get the hardware business after to introduce a fully compliant version of the open source mobile phone system. Because Android in the Linux kernel and drivers to make a separation between the practice, leading to a split with the Linux Foundation. If they could launch a public version of the open source approach is entirely consistent with the mobile version, and the relationship between the repair and Linux Foundation.

Reciprocity in the patent, although the status of the Linux Foundation, the patent may be better than Microsoft these big companies. But in the desktop and server side part, because if we can repair the relationship and the Linux Foundation, even after joining IBM patents related companies for the total group of Linux Open Invention Network Organization , in fact, open source code for their own and related organizations, is more beneficial.


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