2013/10/5 更新:免費方案請參考 http://www.freecadweb.org
DWG方案可參考 http://www.icadmac.com/products/
另外一套Ashlar Cobalt也是偏向機械結構上設計的軟體,檔案支援性較TurboCAD多一些,網站上也有試用版可供下載。
而PuchCAD的Shark,標榜他們可以讀取Pro/e和CATIA V.4的原生檔案,如果對於這二套軟體的相容需求比較高的話,或許可以到他們網站上下載試用版看看是否真的可以在Mac平台上相容使用。
如果要在Mac上找到Solidwork or SolidEdge這類使用Parasolid核心的3D CAD軟體,可能最好的方案就是直接使用Parasolid軟體本身了,這個可能成本要高很多,因為UGS NX的Parasolid系列軟體已經被西門子買去,並且包含在整套的PLM(Product Lifecycle Management)產品當中,而Solidworks只要匯出Parasolid檔案原則上都不會有相容性的問題,Parasolid系列軟體在Mac OS X上需要安裝X11才能夠運行。
11/27更新 不過Mac上另一個老牌的CAD軟體VectorWorks,除了過去著重的建築室內設計用途之外,也在新版2009新增了Parasolid支援 ,也可以參考使用。
Mac, a few mechanical design of commercial 3D CAD software
While the prior introduced me to some CAD software, but the majority still tend to use 2D or architectural CAD software, mechanical design, as if it is, then again have to refer to some other commercial software.
If it is preferred to use the words of the appearance, Rhino is still in development, can now download the Mac version of the test, while the Pro / e of the companies also have referred to as Pro / Concept of the software, you can import Pro / e format files and are provided to download a trial version Mac, but from the description of them know, is also based on a design in mind.
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If you compare the relevant need AutoCAD compatibility, you can consider using the Mechanical version of TurboCAD, if you use Pro / e, then export ASAT format seems to be support, but if you want to know how the compatibility, you can download the beta version to test test.
Another set of Ashlar Cobalt is also a bias on the mechanical structure design software, file supporting more than TurboCAD, the website also has a trial version available for download.
The PuchCAD the Shark, advertised that they can read Pro / e and the native CATIA V.4 file, if the two sets of software compatibility on this demand were relatively high, may be able to download the trial version of their website to see if it really compatible with Mac platform can be used.
If you want the Mac to find Solidwork or SolidEdge such use Parasolid core 3D CAD software, may be the best option is the direct use of Parasolid software itself, and this may cost is much higher, because the Parasolid series of UGS NX software, Siemens has been bought, and included in the full range of PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) products which, while Solidworks export Parasolid files in principle, as long as there will not be compatibility issues, Parasolid series of software in Mac OS X on the need to install the X11 will be able to run .
11/27 Update on the Mac, but another veteran of the CAD softwareVectorWorks, apart from in the past focused on the architectural interior design uses, is also a new version of 2009 adds Parasolid support, you can reference.