
上個月Mozilla與OpenGL繪圖技術組織Khronos宣布,將針對網頁上的3D顯現技術合作,而具體成果也已經可以在Canvas 3D JS Library(C3DL)網站當中看出方向,而現在Google也針對其在瀏覽器市場上的布局發佈了稱為O3D的跨平台開放原始碼瀏覽器外掛程式,不同於C3DL目前的狀態,最新的版本必須在Firefox 3.5 beta版以上,才能夠呈現的情形,O3D Plugin可以在Windows,Mac上跨多種平台及瀏覽器使用,Linux平台上雖然暫時沒有原生二進制版本可以使用,但也提供了編譯使用的方法

在O3D提供給程式設計師們了解的API介紹網站中,也提供了幾個3D相關的範例,目前在Mac平台上的使用狀況,Safari 4 beta的運作比起Firefox 3.0.x的狀況來得順利許多,不過有個森林的場景可能因為物件龐大太過複雜,在Macbook Intel GMA950的整合晶片環境中,即使是使用Safari beta 4,運作的狀況還是很吃重,如果不是有獨立顯示卡的用戶,建議不要跑這個範例。


而O3D的技術運用,在Google關於O3D的Technical Overview當中有介紹,大致上可以了解,應該是與Chrome的Javascript V8引擎的技術概念有關,透過O3D的Plugin,將基於Google O3D API技術的Javascript重新編譯成符合OpenGL/Direct3D規範的C/C++程式碼,然後再透過GPU顯卡加速運作。

然而O3D要怎麼透過Javascript來表現3D場景或環境的描述呢?在O3D的技術介紹當中有提到,3D相關的軟體,只要匯出成為Collada這個基於XML Schema標準的開放格式之後,再透過Google提供的O3D轉換程式,即可轉為Javascript基礎的交換格式。

O3D的出現,對於Google Earth、Google Sketchup的整合來說,是有其必要性,不過現在近年來推出Web 3D的技術,除了原先最常被提起的Flash Papervision3D、到Mozilla C3DL,到現在Google的O3D,更別提更早的VRML技術,所以距離Web 3D標準的出現應該還有一段距離,但是O3D的優勢在於,Google已經有許多相關的既成服務和基礎,從Chrome V8 Javascript加速引擎的底層,支援Collada的Google Sketchup,和帶有豐富地理資訊的Google Map/earth,這些資源互相搭配運用的背後,對於開發者來說都是有相當大的吸引力,也可以說這些都是目前O3D與生俱來就擁有的龐大優勢資源。


 Google issued a cross-platform O3D Web browser, 3D technology


Last month, Mozilla and the OpenGL graphics technology organizations Khronos announced that it will appear for 3D on the Web page technical cooperation, and concrete results were already available in Canvas 3D JS Library (C3DL) Web site to see which direction, and now Google has for its browsing the layout of devices on the market known as the released O 3D open-source cross-platform browser plug-ins, unlike C3DL current state, the latest version of Firefox 3.5 beta version to be more than to be able to present the case, you can O3D Plugin In the Windows, Mac, on a variety of platforms and cross-browser, Linux platforms, though no native binary version can be used, but also provides the methodology used to compile.


The O3D available to programmers who understand the introduction of the API Web site, also provides several 3D-related examples, the current usage on the Mac platform, Safari 4 beta than the operation of the status of Firefox 3.0.x is more successful in many However, there is the scene of forest may be too complex because of large objects in the Macbook Intel GMA950 integrated chip environment, even with Safari beta 4, the status of the operation is still very heavy and, if not a separate graphics card users are not recommended running this example.

However, a few examples which, in addition to the demonstration outside the 3D scenes, Google also offers a similar Western Samurai 3D Super Mario version of web games, people can learn, O3D to operate directly on the 3D web gaming functions.

The O3D of technology application, in the Google on the O3D'sTechnical Overview of them introduced in general can understand, it should be with Chrome's Javascript V8 engine, the technology related to the concept, through O3D the Plugin, will be based on Google O3D API technology to re-compile Javascript into line with OpenGL/Direct3D specification C / C + + code, and then through the GPU accelerated graphics operation.

However, O3D to how to represent 3D scenes through the Javascript or the environment, a description of it? Among the technical presentations in the O3D mentioned, 3D-related software, as long as the export as Collada in this open, standards-based XML Schema format, and then through the Google provided O3D converter, you can switch Javascript-based exchange format.

The emergence of O3D for Google Earth, Google Sketchup for integration is indeed a need, but now launch Web 3D technologies in recent years, in addition to the most frequently filed Flash Papervision3D, to the Mozilla C3DL, now Google's O3D , not to mention the earlier VRML technology, so the distance from the emergence of Web 3D standards, there should be some distance, but O3D the advantage, Google has been the de facto number of related services and infrastructure, from the Chrome V8 Javascript engine to accelerate the bottom to support the Collada The Google Sketchup, and with a wealth of geographic information Google Map / earth, with the use of these resources behind each other, for developers who are all quite attractive, it can be said that these are the inherent O3D to have a huge resource advantages. 


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